Recipe Reviews

Baked Parmesan Garlic Chicken - Very easy to make and was pretty good. Passed the husband test who said it was good and he would eat it again

5 minute nutella mug cake  -  SOOO Good! Didnt pass the Nicole test (she is not a nutella fan however), hubby was not home when we made it

Chocolate labor cake - I made this cake when I was pregnant in hopes to induce labor, it didn't work but the cake was a big hit with myself, hubby and Nicole. Nicole keeps asking when we are going to make it again

Grinch Punch - I made this for Christmas as I was hosting. It was ok, looked cute but was not a big hit

Teriyaki Chicken - overall was tasty, but chicken came out tough when I made it. Next time will tenderize it up first or not cook as long

Crock Pot Italian Turkey Meatballs - super easy to make and very good. Hubby went back for thirds and said he would eat it again in a heartbeat!