The List

Well my 40th birthday is slowly creeping up on me....I have mixed feelings about this to be honest. I needed a way to look forward to this chapter in my life, rather than be depressed about it. Someone gave me the idea as they were composing their list for hitting their 30's. I thought to myself thats a great idea! So here is my list, in no special order, of things I would like to do in my 40s. I hope to have them all completed before I hit 50!
1. Go to Hawaii (never been always wanted to go)
2. Buy a sailboat (dream of both Hubby and I)
3. To go along with the sailboat, sail down the coast to Florida than to the Carribean
4. Travel internationally to anywhere (never needed a passport to go anywhere and always wanted to)
5. Visit all 50 states of America
6. Go in a hot air balloon
7. Visit all the ballparks in the US and attend a baseball game at the park
8. Run a 5k
9. Go to Wimbledon
10. Own a pair of Jimmy Choo shoes
11. See Motley Crue in concert
12. Learn to play the piano
13. Go to New Zealand/Australia
14. Ride a segway
15. Visit Ground Zero
16. Fly first class
17. Milk a cow
18. Go to a drive in movie
19. Go deep sea fishing
20. Earn my BA
21. Try surfing
22. Swim with the dolphins
23. Go parasailing
24. Be part of a flash mob
25. Visit Alcatraz
26. Walk through the giant Redwoods of California
27. Help build a Habitat for Humanity Home
28. Go to the rock n roll hall of fame
29. Cross the intersection at Abbey Road
30. See Mount Rushmore
31. Stand on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
32. Take a photography course
33. Go to a masters golf tournament
34. Learn to golf
35. Go on a Disney Cruise with my daughters
36. Go rock climbing
37. Go to bora bora (or something similar) and stay in one of those huts on the water
38. Learn to crochet
39. Take a photo everyday for a year
40. Learn to ski/snowboard